The strategic direction of the association is defined by the Executive Board, which consists of 13 members, including an Executive Board Chair, elected on an annual basis by the General Assembly.
The main responsibility of the Executive Board is to define the long-term goals of the association, in agreement with the General Assembly, and to be the main decision-making body on all strategic matters. These include external positionining, policy papers, advocacy strategy, key decisions on events, etc... . It also approves all the key statutory documents which are submitted to the General Assembly, such as the Annual Budget, the Annual Report, the Strategy and Stakeholder Plan and others. The Executive Board also reviews applications for new members and observers and can establish new working groups. It meets on a monthly basis.
Executive Board Chair: Steven Tas, Director Regulatory, PROXIMUS
The Administrative Committee oversees the correct execution of ETNO's budget and provides advice on HR matters.
Chair: Janet Zaharieva, UNITED GROUP
Members: Jakob Greiner, DEUTSCHE TELEKOM and Pedro Gonçalves, ALTICE PORTUGAL
Permanent Observer: Steven Tas, PROXIMUS
ETNO’s Working Groups (WGs) and Task Forces (TFs) are where Europe’s leading telecom operators shape the sector’s policy position, exchange on best-practices and share knowledge on regulation at the European and national level. See the full list and respective descriptions here.
All ETNO members are represented in the General Assembly, which is the association’s highest decision-making body. Its decisions, reached by consensus or vote, set the overall framework for ETNO's policy action and for its management.
GA Chair: Ivo Ivanovski, Director of M&A, International Affairs and Regulation, A1 Telekom Austria Group
GA Vice-chair, Pedro Gonçalves, Regulatory and Competition Direction / International Relations, ALTICE PORTUGAL