
Good policy is built on good ideas. Here you find ETNO’s top reports and studies, including facts and figures from our Annual Economic Reports. ETNO works with leading consultants, academics and thinkers such as the Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, IPSOS, Analysys Mason, CRIDS Uni Namur, Paris Tech and many others.

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  • Reports

    Annual Report 2023

    4 June, 2024 Read more
  • Reports

    Accelerating Sustainability in Telecoms - Research Report

    This study supports the project ‘Accelerating sustainability in telecoms’, led by the social partners in telecoms ETNO and UNI Europa ICTS. The aim of the study is to analyse 11 key emerging technologies which are likely to considerably impact the telecommunication industry, and their impact on social and environmental sustainability.

    29 April, 2024 Read more
  • Reports

    The State of Digital Communications 2024

    This 2024 edition of the State of Digital Communications Report paints a bittersweet picture. On the one hand, network innovation is starting to take-off and the investment by European telecoms operators is reaching historic levels. On the other hand, global competition in the connectivity value-chain has started biting Europe, and the financial health of the telecoms sector is far from improving.

    22 January, 2024 Read more
  • Reports

    Future of Electronic Communications Networks in Europe

    You can download the Executive Summary of the Report through this link.

    9 October, 2023 Read more
  • Reports

    The Evolution of Data Growth: Evaluating the trends fueling data consumption in European markets in Europe

    31 May, 2023 Read more
  • Reports

    Annual Report 2022

    29 May, 2023 Read more
  • Reports

    The State of Digital Communications 2023


    1 February, 2023 Read more
  • Reports

    Study on the impact of the Data Act proposal on European telecom operators

    Following the publication of the European Commission’s Data Act proposals in February 2022, ETNO, the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association, commissioned LE Europe, in partnership with Plum Consulting and Wiggin LLP, to produce a study on the impact of the Data Act proposal on European telecom operators.

    The study investigated how the proposed new rules will affect the – existing and emergent – business models operated by ETNO members in the business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C) business-to government (B2G) and cloud and edge computing markets. Evidence for the study was gathered through a survey and interviews with ETNO members. The research was carried out over the summer of 2022.

    25 October, 2022 Read more
  • Reports

    Expert study by Brattle Group on “Efficiencies in telecommunication network cooperations and mergers”

    Europe’s digital infrastructure is undergoing a once-in-a-decade upgrade. At a time when citizens, businesses and political leaders acknowledge the critical importance of availability of digital services, Europe’s telecom operators are at the peak of the 5G investment cycle. Concurrently, Europe is facing complex crises and uncertainty, but one item on the EU agenda is rooted: achieving the “2030 Digital Decade” targets.

    A new expert study published today by Brattle Group and commissioned by ETNO, titled “Efficiencies in Telecommunication Network Cooperations and Mergers” explores a wide range of efficiencies that could benefit European citizens and society. The efficiencies identified by Brattle Group go beyond merger proceedings (including efficiencies of cost, quality and infrastructure rollout) and explore further cooperation agreements and out-of-market efficiencies.

    The main findings of the expert study are summarised below in a video interview with Kai-Uwe Kühn, Professor of Economics at the University of East Anglia, and Academic Advisor at Brattle Group:

    Read the latest Brattle Group study for ETNO for more insights.

    11 October, 2022 Read more
  • Reports

    Europe’s internet ecosystem: socio-economic benefits of a fairer balance between tech giants and telecom operators

    Over the last decade, Internet use has become essential in the daily life of millions of Europeans, with data traffic consumption growing at double digits annually. This evolution has been supported by a massive transformation of fixed and mobile telecom networks, from the prevalent copper and 3G-based solutions of the early 2010s, to much more advanced Very High-Capacity Networks (‘VHCN’), including FTTH and 5G, consumers can now benefit from.

    2 May, 2022 Read more
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