15 July, 2014

ETNO on Juncker's election: "pro-innovation and pro-investment policies will re-ignite Europe's engine"

On the occasion of Jean-Claude Juncker’s election as President of the European Commission, ETNO takes the opportunity to welcome his high prioritization of the ICT sector and recognition of its extraordinary enabling potential. The debate on a new set of digital public policies is imminent and ETNO continues its long standing commitment to contributing to such a pivotal discussion.

We support Juncker's stance to make digital a top priority of the next European Commission”, said ETNO Chairman Luigi Gambardella. “Pro-innovation and pro-investment policies – he added  – bring the promise of a full economic recovery and of new prosperity for Europe”.

ETNO has consistently called for a new policy approach to telecoms and ICT markets, one that recognises the changing competitive landscape and streamlines policies towards the achievement of more investment and more opportunities for innovation. The telecoms sector plays a critical role in empowering the digitalization of the European industry. This, in turn, will generate growth and more jobs, while being a win-win for both industry and consumers.

ETNO represents Europe's biggest telecom operators, who account for over 60% of the total investments and 77% of the total employment of the European telco industry. ETNO members are committed to maintaining and deploying cutting-edge telecoms networks across Europe and to providing innovative services to European citizens.

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