ETNO notes the efforts of internet economy players to develop common recommendations to achieve the Digital Agenda, through the CEO Round Table process initiated by Commissioner Kroes, in which several ETNO members and observers have actively participated.
Brussels – ETNO notes the efforts of internet economy players to develop common recommendations to achieve the Digital Agenda, through the CEO Round Table process initiated by Commissioner Kroes, in which several ETNO members and observers have actively participated*.
“ETNO welcomes the approach taken by the Vice-President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes to gather all leading players of the internet value chain, from network operators and equipment manufacturers to content and applications providers, in order to look at the challenges for the sector. The industry has presented a set of concrete recommendations for an open market, better conditions for private investment and a true level playing field.”, says Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Executive Board Chair.
ETNO, who represents the main investors in tomorrow’s high speed broadband services and networks, reiterates its members’ commitment to supporting the Digital Agenda.
“The industry recommendations presented today are an important step forward towards a modern joint industry approach to the challenges and potential solutions for a sustainable development of the Internet value chain and a timely next generation access network deployment”, added Gambardella.
ETNO supports the proposed approach to the Internet built on service differentiation and innovation, co-existing with a vibrant best effort internet, to meet consumer demand for different levels of quality. The CEOs called for the development of open and interoperable standards for this purpose.
Industry leaders reiterated that achieving the Digital Agenda 2020 broadband targets should be primarily driven by private investment and recalled the key importance for public authorities to improve general conditions for NGA deployment by eliminating barriers to investment and taking measures to stimulate demand and reduce roll out costs. Symmetrical open access to civil works and in house wirings should be promoted as a way to encourage infrastructure-based competition. The CEOs confirmed that voluntary co-investment can be an applicable model for NGA roll-out.
ETNO calls on EU policy makers to now translate these recommendations into appropriate policy measures in order to accelerate the pace of urgently needed investment and achieve the Digital Agenda objectives. ETNO looks forward to work closely with the Commission to make this happen.
For more information, please contact: Thierry Dieu, ETNO Communications Manager Tel: (32-2) 219 32 42 Fax: (32-2) 219 64 12
*Alcatel-Lucent, Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, KPN, Nokia-Siemens Networks, Orange, Portugal Telecom, Telecom Italia, Telefonica and TeliaSonera