BIAC's ICCP committee is contributing to OECD policies in fields such as Internet Policy, broadband/telecommunications infrastructure and regulation, Online Security and Privacy, Online/Digital Content issues, Mobile Communications, ICT services innovation/Cloud Computing, ICT and the Environment, ICT Statistics (economic social impacts of the internet).
BIAC's ICCP committee is contributing to OECD policies in fields such as Internet Policy, broadband/telecommunications infrastructure and regulation, Online Security and Privacy, Online/Digital Content issues, Mobile Communications, ICT services innovation/Cloud Computing, ICT and the Environment, ICT Statistics (economic social impacts of the internet).
Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Executive Board Chair and VP Relations with International Institutions and Organizations Telecom Italia has been nominated, on behalf of Confindustria the Federation of Italian Industry, as Vice-Chair of the Information, Computer and Communication (ICCP) Committee of BIAC, the OECD's independent international business association of which ETNO is a member since 2011.
Ana Trias Lopez, Senior Expert - International Government Affairs, Deutsche Telekom on behalf of BDI the Federation of German Industry has also been nominated Vice-Chair of the ICCP Committee.
Joseph Alhadeff Vice President for Global Policy and Chief Privacy Officer Oracle is the Chair of the Information, Computer and Communication (ICCP) Committee of BIAC.
The others Vice Chair are David Fares Vice President, Government Relations Newscorp (United States), Stefan Krawczyk Senior Director and Counsel Government Relations Europe eBay (United States), Gaston Melo Adviser to the President Televisa (Mexico), Jean Jacques Sahel Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs, EMEA Skype (Luxembourg), Makoto Yokozawa Senior Consultant, IT Research Department Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (Japan).
Officially recognised since its founding in 1962 as being representative of the OECD business community, BIAC promotes the interests of business by engaging, understanding and advising policy makers on a broad range of issues with the overarching objectives of: Positively influencing the direction of OECD policy initiatives; Ensuring business and industry needs are adequately addressed in OECD policy decision instruments (policy advocacy), which influence national legislation; Providing members with timelyinformation on OECD policies and their implications for business and industry.