ETNO welcomes the European Commission Communication on Internet Governance published today and shares the view that the multi-stakeholder model should remain the cornerstone of Internet governance.
ETNO believes that there is a need to improve and strengthen the multi-stakeholder dialogue on Internet-related matters and to work towards a clear definition of the roles of public authorities and stakeholders in the debate. An evolved governance model should reflect the principles of transparency, accountability and balance and ETNO looks forward to the forthcoming Commission consultation on the formulation of future European Internet governance policies.
ETNO agrees that we need to move towards a coherent set of global Internet principles and that the upcoming Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance, hosted by the Brazilian Government in co-operation with other Member States, is a good place to start that debate. In addition, sustained efforts are now necessary in order to globalise institutions such as ICANN, which is an important player in the Internet eco-system.
Europe has been a key region for shaping Internet governance after the Tunis conference in 2005 and is best placed to shape its further evolution based on its traditions of democracy, freedom of speech and inclusiveness. It is the main contributor to the global IGF Secretariat and around half of all national IGFs world-wide stem from Europe, showing a vibrant, diverse and multistakeholder-based model of Internet Governance.
ETNO’s Chairman Luigi Gambardella said: “We need more Europe in Internet governance, or we won’t be able to make an impact at global level. We support the Commission in taking the lead in this process, opening up to stakeholders’ participation, and adopt the necessary accompanying legislative measures to help rebuild trust online”.
ETNO’s commitment to the Internet governance debate is demonstrated by its participation in various Internet governance forums. More specifically, ETNO is a member of or involved in the International Chamber of Commerce (Digital Economy/BASIS), the ICANN Business and ISP constituencies, the annual Internet Governance Forum and the European Dialogue on Internet Governance.