ETNO welcomes entry into force of the new co-operation procedure under the revised EU Regulatory Framework.
Brussels – Today marks the deadline for transposition of the revised Regulatory Framework in member states and the entry into force of a new co-operation procedure on national regulatory measures involving the Group of European Regulators, BEREC, the European Commission and national regulators.
“In line with their reinforced role in the notification process of market reviews, ETNO who represents main investors in fast and ultra-fast networks, calls on the Commission and BEREC to encourage national regulators to apply a regulatory approach more conducive to investment in next generation access networks, in order to accelerate the achievement of the objectives of the Digital Agenda for Europe”, says Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Executive Board Chair.
The new Regulatory Framework adopted end of 2009 after an intense debate in the European Parliament and the Council recognises the key importance of Next Generation Access networks for growth and jobs. It also reflects the need to adapt the regulatory approach in view of the substantial and risky investments required, by taking into account varying competitive situations within a member state, applying certain obligations in a symmetric manner on all NGA investors to create a level playing field and by allowing arrangements between investors and access seekers to share the risks of NGA deployment.
Under the new procedures, a necessary balance should be achieved between consistency of regulation across the internal market and a more proportionate regulatory approach which takes into account the diverging national – and local - competitive realities and the investment risks.
“ETNO is keen to play its role in the new co-operation procedure by interacting with the Commission and BEREC on regulatory measures of strategic importance for its Members and for the Digital Agenda for Europe”, added Gambardella.
ETNO’s 40 member companies from 35 European countries represent a significant part of total ICT activity in Europe. They account for an aggregate annual turnover of more than €250 billion and employ over one million people across Europe. ETNO companies are the main drivers of broadband and are committed to its continual growth in Europe.
For more information, please contact: Thierry Dieu, ETNO Communications Manager Tel: (32-2) 219 32 42 Fax: (32-2) 219 64 12 E-mail: