The African Telecommunications Union is currently meeting in Accra, Ghana to prepare its regional proposals for the World Conference on International Telecommunications which takes place this December. Following on from its attendance at the Arab Regional States meeting in Dubai, ETNO is also present at the meeting in Accra and will be represented by the Chairman of the ETNO Working Group on ITU Matters, Mr Dominique Wurges of Orange/France Telecom.
Mr Wurges will present the ETNO proposal for a revision of the International Telecommunications Regulations to the African representatives and will explain the relevance of the proposal for this important region in which several ETNO members deliver telecommunications services. Continued investment in local infrastructure and the emergence of new African Over the Top players is important for this region and ETNO believes that the African countries are best placed to decide what is important for long term growth and innovation.
The ETNO contribution aims at creating the best enabling environment to foster commercial agreements based on Quality of Service delivery and to avoid any regulations that can hamper the development of these agreements.