Our “Safer Internet” project took home the "Best Societal Sponsorship Award" at the Belgian Sponsorship Awards 2014 ceremony!
With Safer Internet, our collaborative venture with Microsoft and Child Focus, twice a year, Proximus collaborators raise awareness among fifth- and sixth-year primary school pupils about safe and responsible Internet use. The aim of the campaign is to teach pupils to think critically during their web activities, to teach them to ask the right questions and to realize what the potential consequences could be of a certain type of online behavior.
The Best Societal Sponsorship Award is a recognition for companies who, via sponsoring, connect in a sustainable and authentic manner with the communities in which they operate. The award is in the first place a recognition for all colleagues who engage themselves to make the Safer Internet sessions a success.
The next sessions are foreseen on 10 February in the context of the international Safer Internet day.
> Discover our other initiatives
Source: Belgacom